Snakebird (Steam | Region Free)
Дата публикации: 22.11.2022

Snakebird (Steam | Region Free)

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Регион: весь мир
Язык: мультиязычный (как на стиме)

Описание игры Snakebird

What is the longest possible length a bird can be? Obviously a question only all the fruit in the world can answer! But where could all this fruit be hiding? Follow Redbird, Greenbird and Bluebird on a quest for an amount of fruit beyond any birds wildest dreams.Snakebird is a very simple but deceptively challenging puzzle game about assuming the right shapes for the task at hand, be it pushing, lifting, teleporting or just defying the laws of physics.Key features:Over fifty challenging levelsNon-linear world mapSeveral different zones with their own themed puzzlesSnake-like birds with narcolepsyDynamic fruit-powered length gain system

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Цена: 43.88 $.

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