Rock Your Long Distance Relationship!
Дата публикации: 01.10.2021

Rock Your Long Distance Relationship!

One Adventures in Delicious Dating After 40 reader shared she was romanced by a guy half way around the world for over two years! They never met and he went poof one day. Other people have ridiculously short distance requirements.

Apr 25,  · I met a guy several months ago online. We live miles apart, but we started a conversation on a dating app and immediately hit it off. We exchanged numbers and had been texting everyday since, facetime, all that stuff.

Curious as to what I was in for, and wanting some solid guidance, I went looking for advice on how to be a good Army girlfriend. Not sure how wise that was. What follows is some humble advice on how to cope with being the significant other of soldier. Dating a soldier is a commitment, and not one to be taken lightly. Read those web pages and top ten lists. Then do some soul-searching.

As soon as my guy used the g-word, I hit the keyboard and called my sister-in-law retired Army wife extraordinaire. Both gave me a wealth of knowledge I otherwise would not have had. Get used to being alone. Soldiers work long hours that they have absolutely no control over. They work weekends with little or no notice. Bases are often several towns or states away.

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