Hill Magazine
Дата публикации: 02.12.2021

Hill Magazine

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It is our long-term mission to create a pool of officials who implement rules and call the game in similar fashion at all levels of hockey. We believe the implementation of such a program will be regarded as one of those defining moments in our game. Each year we have many new young and inexperienced officials join the officiating association with a goal to experience what it is like to be an official, some who are former players and want to remain in the game, while others who may have aspirations to officiate at the higher levels, and, then there some who wish to make it a career.

The anticipated results will ultimately enhance the betterment of the sport through experienced high level officiating. All of which are attainable aspirations and goals. However, we are faced with a dilemma , many do not stay with officiating for more than a year or two, in some cases because of the on-ice pressures generated from misconduct actions of coaches, parents, fans etc, some face the lack of training, coaching, guidance, support that will assist them in dealing with the many issues of officiating.

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A step in that direction is to recognize our current system needs to change accordingly. No longer can we just throw them out there in the game on their own without a system or program that provides coaching and regular support. One step is providing a system where the officials are assigned to a USA Mass Hockey statewide pool such as the MOPD, which will also provide greater or extended opportunities.

The high turnover rate often means we lose officials which we desperately need in our programs which will now be compounded with additional leagues adopting the 4-man system. Adding to this dilemma, game assignments are becoming a major challenge. For years, hockey people have talked about doing something to improve our game, and now is the time for them, or us as the case may be to influence change by taking action.

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