Double Your Dating Promo Codes, Coupons & Deals
Дата публикации: 27.10.2021

Double Your Dating Promo Codes, Coupons & Deals

Eben W. Pagan , born December 5, , better known by his stage name David DeAngelo , is an American entrepreneur , author and dating consultant. He is a member of the Seduction community and founder of “Double Your Dating “, a company providing dating advice to men and marketed primarily over the Internet. Early in his career, DeAngelo moved from the Pacific Northwest to continue his career as a real estate and mortgage broker in San Diego , but first found real success in training real estate professionals how to use direct marketing to build sales leads.

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Eben W. Within the community he has been referred to as a guru. ISBN ] Beliefs DeAngelo argues that much human social behavior is related in some way to sexual reproduction , and that human mating habits do not differ significantly from other species. He suggests that societal conditioning has programmed many modern men to develop involuntary habits that increase the failure rate of consistently attracting women or negate the attractive qualities that were designed to make women want them.

January 2, Sunday Telegraph Australia. As a result, men are forced to accept whomever selects them. DeAngelo also believes that women are not as obsessed with the appearance of prospective mates as males are. April 21, Chicago Tribune “Dumb approach may work for smart guys. September 22, The Mercury “Booking in for the hunt.

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