Dating with a Disability: How I Met the Love of My Life Online
Дата публикации: 26.10.2021

Dating with a Disability: How I Met the Love of My Life Online

Dating is hard enough in the best of times; after a spinal cord injury, insecurities about body image and doubts about one’s desirability as a romantic partner can become a major concern. At our annual forum on dating and relationships-which fell on Valentine’s Day this year-several people with SCI shared their personal experiences of coming to grips with their changed selves and making their way in the world of dating and mating after injury.

Getting comfortable with himself was an important step in being able to feel confident about dating.

Aaron proposed eight months after our first date, we had a two naruto engagement and were married on September 26, At the beginning of this year, I left my girl.

These men are scared to get out there – intimidated by the thought of a woman who may not be able to see past the chair. The list goes on and on as to what we have heard when these beautiful souls confide in us. We always reply back with similar messages each time – ones of high expectations for them and anticipation that they too will one day when the timing is right meet their very own Mrs.

Not only that, they believe this is the norm. We inform them that the majority of the emails we receive from women who are new to this lifestyle, are dating their partners who have already sustained a spinal cord injury, and want tools and information to help them on their journeys. But Why? This is one of the things we have strived to change by running this group since day one – the way our relationships are seen by the world.

We have the proof in the form of thousands of women around the world that can and DO see past the wheelchair and the disability. And are fine with the challenges that go along with it. Why you ask? After years of leading and growing this network of women with my partner Elena Pauly, I can truly say I can provide a new narrative on dating or marrying someone with a disability, and provide commonalities that I have learned over the years that these women and myself all believe are concrete reasons as to why dating or marrying a guy in a chair is truly one of the best things ever.

No longer is our community shunned or excluded as frequently, and inclusion is becoming a top priority worldwide.

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