Nonogram - The Greatest Painter STEAM KEY REGION FREE
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Nonogram - The Greatest Painter STEAM KEY REGION FREE

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Nonograms, also known as Picross or Griddlers, are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid must be colored or left blank according to numbers at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. © Wiki
The Greatest Painter

Excellent attempt in a world of Nonogram/Picross puzzles. Galore of levels, multiple game modes along with level editor & workshop would never disappoint any puzzle fan.

Play through over 200 hand-crafted nonogram puzzles, both colored and B&W.
Completed all levels Don´t worry! We have an endless list of user-made paintings, you´ll never feel lonely.
You should love to paint, do you Go on and try our awesome level editor (up to 100x100 size), show those impostors who is the Greatest One here!
Art design - clean and beautiful.
Relaxing ambient soundtracks will keep your mind sharp and focused.

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Цена: 36.2 руб.

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