8 Reasons Why You Should Date Your Best Friend
Дата публикации: 21.10.2021

8 Reasons Why You Should Date Your Best Friend

If this describes the majority of your romantic life, I want you to open up your mind a little and start looking at things a little differently from now on. First, consider this: everyone wants a perfect partner, but few people want to be the perfect partner. For years, I probably obsessed a little too much over this part of my life.

But after stumbling through one unhealthy relationship after another , I learned a very important lesson: the best way to find an amazing person is to become an amazing person. You can opt out at any time.

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Dating means allowing yourself to be vulnerable, to risk disappointment and rejection. To tell or not to tell. We answer this question and offer expert advice on the art of courting with chronic depression. Only 18, Isa Zhou has lived with depression for six years. She was 12 when the symptoms first surfaced in Her motivation for school and life tanked. Two years later, she was diagnosed with major depression and a year later, in , with dysthymia mild, chronic depression.

Over the years, as medication and therapy stabilized her, her self-confidence increased. She became more comfortable interacting with others and eventually began to think about dating .

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